Hello Fam and nice to meet u!


Are you a web3 project founder or builder looking to create a thriving community around it?

Join us for an exclusive webinar where we’ll share golden insights

and strategies to help you build a powerful and thriving community in web3.

In this webinar, the Cryptorsy Head of Growth, Mike Graham, a seasoned expert in community building, will unveil a 5-step methodology that will empower you to create a rockstar community for your web3 endeavor.

Whether you’re launching a new project or looking to step up your existing community’s engagement game, this webinar will provide you with actionable strategies and alpha to boost your community-building efforts

Time: June 6, at 3 PM (UTC+4)

Location: Zoom Meeting

Register to receive the meeting link: https://lu.ma/1bktgimz?tk=roVOqC