Pinning Down DePINs


What are DePINs?

DePINs are decentralized physical infrastructure networks that utilize cryptocurrency to incentivize the creation and operation of physical infrastructure such as server, wireless, sensor, and energy networks.

How big is the DePIN market?

According to Messari, the current valuation of the DePIN market is nearly USD2.2 trillion, and it is projected to potentially reach USD3.5 trillion within the next four years.

How is DePIN related to AI?

DePIN complements AI by rectifying the shortcomings of traditional centralized computing models to support AI algorithms that demand substantial computing capabilities.

How has DePIN impacted the crypto market?

AI-related tokens recorded gains ranging from 200% to 650% in 2023.

How has DePIN impacted the web3 market?

Funding for AI-related web3 projects reached USD298 million in 2023, surpassing the total funding of USD148.5 million recorded from 2016 to 2022.

Looks like we’ve found our pin-up model for web3.